Why submit to the Shakespeare CoLab?

Why submit to the Shakespeare CoLab?


The Shakespeare CoLab’s mission is to create a repository of digitized Shakespeare texts that are accompanied by explanatory notes, generated entirely from original student scholarship. The CoLab needs help from students like you to bring Shakespeare’s plays to life through digital annotations in the form of explanatory text, images, video, and audio.
The opportunity to submit annotations is a unique opportunity for any a student of Shakespeare. Your work will be made public to the CU community and beyond, and will serve as a practical source of information for future students and readers. Imagine the rich experience of reading Shakespeare’s works with helpful interpretive media available at the click of a mouse, and knowing that you made that experience possible!
By successfully submitting an annotation, you will be credited as the author of the annotation, which means you will be published by a professional scholarly publication. A publishing credit is an impressive addition to your resume regardless of your area of study or intended career path, and employers in a variety of fields view an applicant with published research from her undergraduate career as a more desirable job candidate. Your contribution to the CoLab will thus provide you with an advantage in pursuing internship opportunities and jobs following graduation.
Please see Submission Guidelines and Forms for instructions on how to submit an annotation for review.